UNView: United Nations General Assembly Voting Patterns (1946 - 2019)

The website is developed by Yiqin Fu and pnlng.
The underlying data for the years 1946 to 2018 is from Erik Voeten, "Data and Analyses of Voting in the UN General Assembly," Routledge Handbook of International Organization, edited by Bob Reinalda (published May 27, 2013; updated June 23, 2019). The underlying data for the year 2019 is gathered by Yiqin Fu. Ideal point estimates (shown in the "Timeseries" tab) are from Bailey, Michael A., Anton Strezhnev, and Erik Voeten. 2017. "Estimating Dynamic State Preferences from United Nations Voting Data." Journal of Conflict Resolution 61 (2): 430-56.